Why Fields of Fun Child Care?


Secure Entry

Our building has a secure entrance that requires a fingerprint scan for entry. Our main office has a viewing window into our entry as well as security cameras, allowing us to monitor who is entering and leaving. 

Video Surveillance In Each Room

We know how difficult it is to bring your child to a new care setting, knowing that all rooms are monitored to ensure safe practices are being carried out can help ease some of your worry.

Nursing Room

Private areas are available for mothers to nurse. Mothers are encouraged to take advantage of this option as we know the importance and benefits of breastfeeding. We want to help make nursing as convenient as possible.


Not only do we encourage parent-teacher interaction during drop off and pick up but we also utilize Brightwheel. With the use of the Brightwheel App, our teachers can interact with parents throughout the day via comments, pictures, and noting when a child has eaten, pottied, or any other activities.

Character Building

While curriculum is very important, character building is just as important and crucial to learn early on. We introduce and incorporate the importance of being kind, compassionate, and polite every day. We partner with Grant Wood AEA to ensure all social, educational, and behavioral needs are met.

Family Support

It can be difficult to navigate through parenting and we are here to help in any way possible. We invite any questions on any matter and will do what we can to assist you and all your child care needs.

Structure and Curriculum

There is no doubt that having structure in a child’s day is essential, no matter the age. We provide structure and age appropriate curriculum in all of our classrooms. In our infant rooms, we work with the families to ensure at-home schedules are met throughout the day. We use Creative Curriculum™, a comprehensive and research-based curriculum that features hands-on, project-based investigations as a pathway to learning. 


We know how important quality care is to you, and to provide the best child care you have to have the best staff! At Fields of Fun we do our best to ensure a great work environment which leads to great care providers. All staff are required to complete the following trainings: 
  • Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
  • Universal Precautions and Infectious Disease Control
  • Infant, Child, and Adult CPR & First Aid
  • DHS’ Essentials Child Care Preservice Trainings
  • Continuous In-House Trainings overseen by Center Director

We partner with the Ely Public Library for Traveling Tales

Reading and singing in all classrooms